There are three categories (Agile Reports, Issue Analysis Reports & Forecast & Management Reports) of JIRA reports. Issue Analysis Reports can be further subdivided into the below-mentioned sub-categories.
Average Age Report − Displays the average age in days of unresolved issues.
Created Vs Resolved Issue Report − Display the number of issues created vs the number of issues resolved in the given period.
Pie chart Report − This shows a pie chart of issues for a project grouped by a specified field.
Recently Created Issue Report − Shows the number of issues created over a time period for a project and how many of those were resolved.
Resolution Time Report − Displays the average time taken to resolve issues.
Single Level Group by Report − It helps to group the search results by a field and see the overall status of each group.
Time since Issues Report − It helps to track how many issues were created, updated, resolved, etc., over a time period.
The Average Age report is a bar chart showing the average age (in days) of unresolved issues at given points in time for a project. The report is based on your choice of project or issue filter, and your chosen units of time (ie. hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or years). This helps you see whether your backlog is being kept up to date.
In this report for every issue, we:
IF the issue creation date is before the start of the period and the resolution date is after the start of the period We then compute the amount of time the issue has been opened up to the end of this period using min(resolutionDate, periodEndDate) – issueCreationDate and increment a count of open issues for that period.
The result is a map of periods to the total time that the issues have been opened. We compute the average by dividing the total time by the total number of issues recorded per period.
Jira delivers the relevant information in a convenient format called reports. Resolved vs Created Issues Report displays the number of issues created vs number of issues resolved over a given period of time. This report is based on the project or issue filter that the user chooses and the chart can be either cumulative or not. It helps to recognize whether the overall backlog is moving towards resolution or not.
The report generated will look like given below
The created issues are displayed in RED, while the resolved issues are in GREEN color.
Below are the steps for creating Resolved vs Created Issues Report
JIRA has many built-in reports which serve multiple needs, Pie Chart Report is one of those. Existing JIRA pie reports are good features but sometimes there is a special need to write different pie charts. The ‘Pie Chart’ displays issues returned from a specified project or issue filter, grouped by a specified field (issue status, priority, assignee, and more).
The report generated will look something like this:
The ‘Recently Created Issues‘ report is a bar chart showing the rate at which issues are being created, as well as how many of those created issues are resolved. The report is based on your choice of project or issue filter, and your chosen units of time (ie. hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or years). This helps you understand if your team is keeping up with incoming work.
The ‘Resolution Time’ report is a bar chart showing the average time taken to resolve issues. This is useful to show you the trends in resolution time. The report is based on your choice of project or issue filter, and your chosen units of time (ie. hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or years).
The Single Level Group By report displays issues returned from a specified issue filter of your choice, grouped by a specified field. For example, an issue filter can be created to retrieve all open issues for a particular version of a particular project. The Single Level Group By report can then be used to display these issues grouped by a specified field (e.g. Assignee).
The ‘Time Since Issues’ report is a bar chart showing the number of issues for which your chosen date field (e.g. ‘Created’, ‘Updated’, ‘Due’, ‘Resolved’, or a custom field) was set on a given date. The report is based on your choice of project or issue filter, and your chosen units of time (ie. hours, days, weeks, months, quarters or years)
JIRA Reference: Click Here
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