Jira delivers the relevant information in a convenient format called JIRA Reports. There are numerous reports available in JIRA, which enables you to gain visibility of the situation. In addition, these reports offer project statistics throughout the entire lifecycle. There are three categorized reports.
- Agile Reports
- Issue Analysis Reports
- Forecast & Management Reports
Agile Reports

Burndown Chart − Track the total work remaining, also whether sprint is achieving the project goal or not.
Burnup Chart − Track the work completed compared with its total scope.
Sprint Chart − Track the work completed or pushed back to the backlog in each sprint.
Velocity Chart − Track the amount of work completed from sprint to sprint.
Cumulative Flow Diagram − Shows the statuses of issues over time. It helps to identify high-risk issues or unresolved important issues.
Version Report − Track the projected release date for a version.
Epic Report − Shows the progress towards completing an epic over a given time.
Control Chart − Shows the cycle time for the product, its version or the sprint. It helps to identify whether data from the current process can be used to determine future performance.
Epic Burn Down − Track the projected number of sprints required to complete the epic.
Release Burn Down − Track the projected release date for a version. It helps to monitor whether the version will release on time, so mandatory action can be taken if work is falling behind.
Issue Analysis Reports

Average Age Report − Displays the average age in days of unresolved issues.
Created Vs Resolved Issue Report − Display the number of issues created vs the number of issues resolved in a given period.
Pie chart Report − This shows a pie chart of issues for a project grouped by a specified field.
Recently Created Issue Report − Shows the number of issues created over a time period for a project and how many of those were resolved.
Resolution Time Report − Displays the average time taken to resolve issues.
Single Level Group by Report − It helps to group the search results by a field and see the overall status of each group.
Time since Issues Report − It helps to track how many issues were created, updated, resolved, etc., over a time period.
Forecast & Management JIRA Reports
Time Tracking Report − Shows the original and current time estimates for issues in the current project. It can help to determine whether work is on track for those issues.
User Workload Report − Shows the time estimates for all unresolved issues assigned to a user across projects. It helps to understand how much a user is occupied, whether overburdened or has less work.
Version Workload Report − Displays how much outstanding work is remaining per user and per issue. It helps to understand the remaining work of a version.
Recommended Reading
- Scrum Board – Create & Customize for Scrum Team
- Kanban Board – Create & Customize for Kanban Team
- Scrum Board – Tips and Tricks for JIRA
- JQL functions – Advanced searching in JIRA
- JIRA Structure – Create & Manage Epics and Stories
- Bulk Jira Issue creation using CSV Template
- Issue Analysis Reports use in Agile Projects
- Sprint ID for an Active or Closed Sprint
- Text Field search using advanced search in JIRA
JIRA Reference: Click Here