SQL wildcards are used to substitute one or more characters in a string. We use SQL wildcards when we need…
HAVING clause is used to apply a filter on the result of GROUP BY based on the specified condition. The conditions…
OUTREC control statement is used to reformat (adds, deletes, or reformats fields) each record after they are sorted, merged, or…
ICETOOL Utilities uses DFSORT to perform multiple operations on one or more data sets in a single job step. ICETOOL…
The DB2 TRIM function removes bytes from the beginning, from the end, or from both the beginning and end of…
Experiencing difficulties with assignment is okay; only a few students can cope with their homework without outside assistance. Don’t get…
DB2 VARCHAR data type is used to store a string with variable-length characters but a maximum of the string length…
In the DB2 database, while structuring tables, data types must be assigned to each and every field. The DB2 datatypes…
Velocity Chart indicates how many product backlog items have been completed, as per the Definition of Done, during a sprint…
Product Manager Interview Questions and Answers contains the most frequently asked questions that you might face in an interview & this will…