Start Stop and Continue is a great format to focus on the things that are working (CONTINUE), things that are…
If you have a requirement to check Empty File before applying certain operations then it can be done using ICETOOL…
Product Backlog Refinement consists of Creating & Refining User Stories, Estimating User Stories & Product Backlog Prioritization. It is the…
The INSPECT statement can be used to tally the number of occurrences of specific character strings, to replace characters by…
DB2 Cursor builds a results table to hold all the rows retrieved by executing a SELECT statement. DB2 uses a…
Many teams use the Definition of Done (DoD) to check if a user story is finished and the product is…
Definition of Ready is a set of agreements that let you know when a user story is really done, the team…
Definition of Done is an agreement between Development Team and the Product Owner on what needs to be completed for…
3C's is an Effective User Story technique. 3Cs: Card, Conversation, and Confirmation. The Card is the index card that the User Story…
INVEST, DEEP , SMART & Three C's are Effective User Story Techniques. INVEST is a useful mnemonic established by Bill Wake…
Scrum Interview Questions and Answers: Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and…
Scrum Interview Questions and Answers: Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and…
Scrum Interview Questions and Answers: Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and…
Scrum Master Interview Q & A contains a list of top interview questions and answers which will help you to prepare…
ROWSET processing is a group of rows for the result set of a query that is returned by a single…
Arrays are data structures that are used to simplify coding and improve processing efficiency. It is a linear data structure and…
SSRANGE: Arrays in COBOL are known as tables. An array is a linear data structure and is a collection of…
You can convert an FB data set to a VB data set with OUTFIL's FTOV parameter. Each VB output record…
The VTOF utility is a tool designed to perform the conversion from VB to FB format. It is commonly used…
VLSCMP and VLSHRT are the utilities used with VB files. In VB records always add 4 to the starting position.…
The JCL interview questions and answers are intended for those with a working knowledge of JCL as a programmer. This…
The DB2 interview questions and answers are intended for those with a working knowledge of DB2 as a programmer. This…
COBOL or Common Business Oriented Language is an English like compiled programming language used mainly for business COBOL Interview questions…
An INTERSECT operation retrieves the matching set of distinct values (not rows) from two columns. The INTERSECT ALL returns the…
A UNION operation combines two sets of columns and removes duplicates. The UNION ALL expression does the same but does…