Welcome to the PSD Practice Assessment Practice Mode. This is Part-I of 680 Questions - 1 set of 40 &…
College and university students are busy with loads of projects and assignments. Fortunately, there are many effective study strategies that…
The file having Header and Trailer needs to be sorted but standard sort parameters will sort all records including header…
SPLICE normally requires reformatting the records of two or more data sets so they can be JOINED. In other words,…
Product Ownership for Product Managers & Product Owners contains the most frequently asked questions that you might face in an interview &…
MoSCow prioritization technique plays a key role in Agile Project Management. In traditional projects, teams balance the ‘triple constraints’ of…
JIRA Backlog Refinement otherwise called JIRA Backlog Grooming is a key process in Scrum. Product Backlog Refinement is a regulated…
FILEAID is an interactive software product that increases data processing productivity in both program development and daily file and records…
Many times LOW VALUES are present in the input file and the job abends. For a quick fix, developers have…
Using SORT DATE Functions you can dynamically insert the date, like ‘yyyy-mm-dd' or any format instead of a constant date…
A successful Scrum Master 's key responsibilities include creating successful scrum teams with strong skills in self-organization and cross-functionality and a drive…
Sprint Retrospective is to plan ways to increase quality and effectiveness. It is an opportunity for teams to reflect on…
DFSORT doesn't have a built-in function for Convert Date - interpreting the month field of date in DDMMMYY formats as…
The employment market is huge, and there are daily hundreds of open vacancies offering mediocre salaries. At the same time,…
VSAM file status code indicates the status of the operation. VSAM files require at least one data record to be…
JIRA Labels are tags or keywords that you can add to issues to show whether they possess certain characteristics. They let…
Technical Debt is the collection of design or implementation constructs that are expedient in the short term but set up…
When American students try to accomplish their academic projects, they may face different impediments. Some of them seem to be…
SQL wildcards are used to substitute one or more characters in a string. We use SQL wildcards when we need…
HAVING clause is used to apply a filter on the result of GROUP BY based on the specified condition. The conditions…
OUTREC control statement is used to reformat (adds, deletes, or reformats fields) each record after they are sorted, merged, or…
ICETOOL Utilities uses DFSORT to perform multiple operations on one or more data sets in a single job step. ICETOOL…
The DB2 TRIM function removes bytes from the beginning, from the end, or from both the beginning and end of…
Experiencing difficulties with assignment is okay; only a few students can cope with their homework without outside assistance. Don’t get…
DB2 VARCHAR data type is used to store a string with variable-length characters but a maximum of the string length…