5 years ago

FILE ALLOCATION is a key concept in COBOL programming. A file is a collection of data related to a set…

COBOL File Error Handling and Status Code

5 years ago

Any I-O operations on a file, there are chances that it may fail. We need to have COBOL FIle Error…


5 years ago

The ROUNDED option used to round the fraction result of the compute statement exceeds the length of the target data…

JQL functions – Advanced searching in JIRA

5 years ago

JQL full form is Jira Query Language is used to search your issues in Jira. A JQL query is a set of words and operators that…

GDG – Generation Data Groups operations in JCL

5 years ago

GDG Stands for ‘Generation data group’ & is used to catalog a group of datasets that have common and similar…

COUNT Function: Count number of records in a file

5 years ago

COUNT function can be used to print messages containing the count of records in a data set. It can also…

ACCEPT n records with OUTFIL SORT utility

5 years ago

ACCEPT parameter is an OUTFIL option that limit the number of input records accepted for OUTFIL processing. A record is…

IFTRAIL – Trailer record update using SORT

5 years ago

IFTRAIL parameter is used to update count and total values in an existing trailer (last) record to reflect the actual…

Scrum Board – Tips and Tricks for JIRA

5 years ago

This feature helps “Add a flag and comment” at the same time to the tasks of Scrum Board. The comment…

Burnup Chart – Sprint & Release Tracking

5 years ago

Burnup chart is used to show how many story points are in the product backlog versus how many we’ve completed…

BurnDown Chart – Sprint, Release and Product Tracking

5 years ago

A Burndown chart is a graphical representation of work left to do versus time. Each point on the chart shows how…

Saying No to Stakeholder by Product Owner

5 years ago

A Product Owner's most important word: “No” & Saying No to a stakeholder is very difficult. Stakeholder management is the process…

Figurative constants use in COBOL Programs

5 years ago

Figurative constants are reserved words that name and refer to specific constant values. These can be easily used by writing…

S0C Abends – S0C1 S0C4 S0C5 S0C7

5 years ago

Two types of abend codes, user abends and system abends (S0C Abends). User abends format is Unnnn, where nnnn is a decimal…

Outlook Search Function: Find Emails Quickly

5 years ago

In this tutorial we will learn how the Outlook search function works and how you can use it to quickly…

Database Normalization with Examples

5 years ago

Database NORMALIZATION is used to reduce data redundancy and eliminate undesirable characteristics like Database Anomalies (Update anomaly, Insertion anomaly, Deletion…

SCROLL vs NO SCROLL Cursors in DB2

5 years ago

By default, cursors are moved by 1 row at a time in the result table in sequential order starting from…

TIME parameter use & S322 Abend in JCL

5 years ago

TIME parameter specifies the maximum amount of time that step may use the processor or to find out through messages…

IF THEN ELSE ENDIF construct use in JCL

5 years ago

IF THEN ELSE ENDIF construct is used to conditionally execute job steps within a job. A job step execution can…

COND Parameter – Evaluate Return Code in JCL

5 years ago

COND parameter is used to test return codes from previous job steps and determine whether to bypass or execute specified…

Space ABEND – SB37, SD37, SE37 & Resolution

5 years ago

Space ABEND generally occurs when your system encounters the end of volume condition occurs. There are three types of Space…

SQL Error Code with Explanation & Resolution

5 years ago

SQL Error Code is used on a day to day basis for the diagnosis of programming failures as a result of…

OPTION control statement in SORT JCL

5 years ago

The OPTION control statement allows you to override some of the options available at installation time (such as EQUALS and…

LISTCAT use in retrieving GDG or VSAM Information

5 years ago

The LISTCAT command is used to list and view the attributes and characteristics like space allocation information, password and security-related…

SPS Practice Exam Practice Mode Questions

5 years ago

SPS Practice Exam (SPS) - Scaled Professional Scrum with Nexus helps you to gain an understanding of how to scale…