Text Field search using advanced search in JIRA

Text Field search can be done using the quick search, basic search, and advanced search. Search Filters assist the team with creating views that you need to manage your issues. The text fields in JIRA can be searched for keywords or phrases. Text searches can be done in the advanced search when the CONTAINS (~) Tilda operator is used, e.g. summary~”windows*”. It […]

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WSJF – Weighted Shortest Job First Prioritization Technique

WSJF is a Prioritization method that helps calculate and understand what is the level of the financial impact of not finishing the task or implementing the solution sooner than later. a prioritization model used to sequence jobs (eg., Features, Capabilities, and Epics) to produce maximum economic benefit. At the end of the calculation of the

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XML statement generation using SORT

We will generate XML statement from input records having fixed positions using SORT. We will use REMOVECC, HEADER1, BUILD, JFY, SHIFT, LEFT, LEAD, TRAIL, LENGTH, SQZ & TRAILER1 parameters. REMOVECC: The REMOVECC parameter generates reports that do not include ANSI carriage control characters that specify printer actions (for example, skipping a line or ejecting a

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SAVE discarded records using SORT

Record Selection for Output File can be done using STARTREC, ENDREC, INCLUDE/OMIT, SAVE Parameters. Use SAVE to include records for OUTFIL processing that have not been included in any other OUTFIL group. If SAVE is specified on more than one OUTFIL group, then each of these OUTFIL groups gets the records that were discarded from

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Agile Estimation Techniques

Agile Estimation is the process of finding an approximation level of effort, which is a value that is usable for few purpose even if input data may be incomplete, uncertain, or unstable. Traditional waterfall method uses bottom up approach with the smallest tasks at the bottom. But agile uses two estimation techniques,Top-Down Estimation and Relative

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JOINKEYS File Match and Comparison

The JOINKEYS File Match utility help in comparing two files. JOINKEYS File Match operation is controlled by JOINKEYS, JOIN, and REFORMAT control statements. The SORTJNF1 and SORTJNF2, are the DD statements used to specify the files which will be used to perform the join operations. During JOIN operation on two files, each record from the

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OUTFIL control statement in SORT JCL

The OUTFIL control statement describes the output file(s) and the processing to be done on the output records. OUTFIL processing is supported for sort, merge, and copy applications. Use the OUTFIL control statement to create multiple output files without making multiple passes through the input data. OUTFIL control statement Examples Example 1 The following example

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Conditional Expressions use in COBOL

Conditional expressions identify conditions that are tested to enable the object program to select between alternate paths of control depending upon the truth value of the condition. Conditional expressions may be used in the EVALUATE, IF, PERFORM, and SEARCH statements. Conditional expressions have a value of “TRUE” or “FALSE”. Conditional expressions can either be simple

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EVALUATE statement in COBOL Programs

EVALUATE statement is used for conditional processing which helps in eliminating a series of nested IF statements to test several conditions. The EVALUATE statement is very similar to the CASE construct common in many other programming languages. If none of the EVALUATE satisfies, by default the statements coded under WHEN OTHER will be executed and

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UNSTRING statement

Find Duration – Add – Subtract – MOD Duration using COBOL

The FIND DURATION function is used to calculate duration between: The FIND-DURATION function returns an integer in the form of complete units of the specified duration. Any rounding is done downwards. The calculation of durations includes microseconds.  The function type is integer.  The function result is a nine-digit integer. If the function result is larger

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UNSTRING statement

File Handling Verbs in COBOL Programs

The collection of records belonging to the same entity is known as File. These records are stored permanently. File handling helps to organize these records in an ascending/descending order. It makes searching, accessing these records more easily and efficiently. The records are generally stored on a magnetic tape or a disk. Advantages of File Handling Disadvantages of File

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