S0C Abends – S0C1 S0C4 S0C5 S0C7

Two types of abend codes, user abends and system abends (S0C Abends). User abends format is Unnnn, where nnnn is a decimal user abend code. System abends follow the format of Snnn, where nnn is a hexadecimal abend code. S0C Abends are the abnormal ending of Job & when it happens a message from the JCL or Fault Analyzer will

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DB2 Explain

Database Normalization with Examples

Database NORMALIZATION is used to reduce data redundancy and eliminate undesirable characteristics like Database Anomalies (Update anomaly, Insertion anomaly, Deletion anomaly). This also divides larger tables into smaller tables and links them using relationships and follows simple data structure design rules to make the data easy to understand, maintain and query. Rule of Clarity –

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LISTCAT use in retrieving GDG or VSAM Information

The LISTCAT command is used to list and view the attributes and characteristics like space allocation information, password and security-related information, usage characteristics, creation, and expiration date, etc of VSAM or non-VSAM entries. It stands for LISTing of CATalog entry. The LISTCAT line command allows access to IDCAMS and displays the tablespace or indexspace space usage

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