
Mainframe is a large high-speed computer, especially one supporting numerous workstations or peripherals. It is the central processing unit and primary memory of a computer.

Optimize Outer Join Queries in the COBOL DB2 Program

Optimize Outer Join queries is a powerful tool for retrieving data from multiple tables. However, if not used judiciously, they…

1 year ago

OUTER JOIN Queries: Common Errors and Resolutions

OUTER JOIN Queries are a valuable tool in SQL, allowing you to retrieve data from multiple tables. However, like any…

1 year ago

Subquery Join use in DB2 Queries with Examples

A Subquery Join is a combination of a subquery and a join operation in a SQL query. It allows you…

2 years ago

Cross-Join use in DB2 Queries with Examples

A Cross-Join, also known as a cartesian product, is a type of join operation that returns the combination of every…

2 years ago

Self-Join use in DB2 Queries with Examples

Self-Join in DB2 is a process of joining a table to itself. This is done by giving the table two…

2 years ago

HASH JOIN use in DB2 Queries

A DB2 Hash Join is a type of join operation that uses a hash table to match rows from two…

2 years ago


To perform a merge join in DB2, you can use the JOIN keyword in a SELECT statement along with the…

2 years ago

Nested Loop JOIN use in DB2 Queries

DB2 Nested Loop JOIN is used when one table is small and the other table is large. The smaller table…

2 years ago

Header and Trailer – SORT Detail records between these

The file having Header and Trailer needs to be sorted but standard sort parameters will sort all records including header…

4 years ago

SPLICE – Join records with missing fields

SPLICE normally requires reformatting the records of two or more data sets so they can be JOINED. In other words,…

4 years ago