
DB2 VARCHAR Data Type use in COBOL-DB2

DB2 VARCHAR data type is used to store a string with variable-length characters but a maximum of the string length…

4 years ago

DB2 Data Types – Numeric, String & Datetime

In the DB2 database, while structuring tables, data types must be assigned to each and every field. The DB2 datatypes…

4 years ago

DB2 COPY PENDING status and recovery

DB2 COPY PENDING (COPY) restrictive status indicates that the affected object must be copied. Causes of COPY PENDING status If…

4 years ago

DB2 CHECK PENDING status and recovery

The LOAD utility places a tablespace in DB2 CHECK PENDING (CHKP) status if its referential integrity is in doubt or…

4 years ago

PERFORM statement in COBOL Program

PERFORM statement transfers control to a block of code that will be executed just once. This could either be a…

4 years ago

COBOL MERGE statement with Examples

The COBOL MERGE statement combines two or more identically sequenced files on a set of specified keys.  As part of…

5 years ago

COBOL SORT statement with Examples

COBOL SORT files are common functionalities of COBOL applications. Sorting is required for sequential processing as the files need to…

5 years ago


The VSAM EXPORT-IMPORT commands are usually used to take the backup and recovery. The EXPORT option is used to export…

5 years ago

VSAM DELETE using IDCAMS with Examples

VSAM cluster should be deleted using IDCAMS utility. VSAM DELETE command can be used to delete the VSAM or non-VSAM objects…

5 years ago


The VSAM VERIFY command is used to verify, and if necessary, update, the end of file information in the VSAM…

5 years ago