Business Analyst helps businesses in improving processes, products, services and software through data analysis, research and then making recommendations about the best feasible solutions. For the Business Analyst job interview, there may be three different rounds. The first round will be telephonic. In the second and third rounds, there may be a group of interviewers like HR, stakeholders of a technical team, higher management authorities, etc.
Answer: Requirement quality can be measured on basis of SMART or DEEP rule.
Answer: As a business analyst I was involved in research and then making recommendations about the best feasible solutions. In this question the hiring manager wants to see how you can handle this situation. Standing up to a business or client and convincing them to use a different approach requires a substantial amount of skill, especially if you are sharing something the decision-maker doesn’t want to hear.
e.g. The Business Representative is from technical background and he wants to use a particular technology which he is comfortable with but is an old technology with less flexibility and scalability. I approached the Business Representative and explained, supporting my position with data, that the technology would actually hinder productivity not just in the short-term but in the long-term as well.
Answer: The following are the best practices that are followed to write a clear and well-documented use case:
Tips for Writing Successful Use Cases
Answer: Elicitation is a practice of collecting requirements from end customers and stakeholders; it is a requirement-gathering process. Direct collaboration with the client, facilitated workshops, interviews, and observe the end-users are the key elicitation strategy. In conjunction, we can use techniques that provide us with more precise information like prototype and scenario building. Here are the 9 elicitation techniques defined by the BABOK for business analysts:
Answer: Once the requirements are gathered, they are validated by the business users/client. It is only after the approval of the business users; the requirements are considered to be completed. Additionally, it should be validated that:
All the requirements which pass the above criteria are considered to be formal and final. These requirements are then documented and become a part of the project scope.
Answer:Scope creep or requirement creep is defined as the uncontrolled or sudden changes or deviations in the project’s scope without changes in other resources (schedule, budget) of the project. Scope creep is a risk to the project and is usually caused by
Scope creep is a hindrance to the project’s success and could be avoided by:
Answer: In the process of developing a product from an idea, there are many steps to be followed as enlisted below,
Answer: The process of Business Analysis is generally divided into multiple steps with each step involving specific tasks to perform, principles to follow and documents to produce.
Answer: There are various types of diagrams that BA’s use in their work.
Few important diagrams among them are,
a) Activity Diagram: This represents the flow from one activity to the other activity. Activity refers to the operation of the system.
b) Data Flow Diagram – Graphical representation of the flow of data into and out of the system. This diagram represents how data is shared between organizations.
c) Use case Diagram: This diagram describes the set of actions that systems perform with one or more actors (users) of the systems. Use Case diagram is also called as a Behavioral diagram.
d) Class Diagram: This is the structural diagram that represents the structure of the system by showing its classes, objects, methods or operations, attributes, etc. A class diagram is the main building block for detailed modeling which is used for programming.
e) Entity Relationship Diagram – ER Diagram is the graphical representation of entities and the relationships between them. This is a data modeling technique.
f) Sequence Diagram: Sequence diagram describes the interaction between the objects like how they operate and in what time sequence the messages flow from one object to the other.
h) Collaboration Diagram: Collaboration diagram represents the communication that occurs between the objects by showing the messages flow among them.
Answer:A project will involve a set of activities from start to finish. A critical path is the set of activities which includes the longest path in the whole project. So, a critical path analysis is a key component in reducing project timelines and controlling cost.
Business modeling is identifying the value proposition for a business and then building a step-by-step approach for operating the business. This step-by-step approach is known as business modeling. It includes vision, mission, and strategies to achieve the goals.
Answer:Activity Diagrams describe how activities are coordinated to provide a service which can be at different levels of abstraction. Typically, an event needs to be achieved by some operations, particularly where the operation is intended to achieve a number of different things that require coordination, or how the events in a single use case relate to one another, in particular, use cases where activities may overlap and require coordination. It is also suitable for modeling how a collection of use cases coordinate to represent business workflows
Answer: Basic flow represents the activities carrying out in order as required by the business. Alternate flow represents actions that are performed apart from the basic flow and also be considered as an optional flow. Whereas Exception flow is executed in a case or any errors.
Example: When we open a login page of any website, there is a link “forgot password” to retrieve the password. This is called an alternate flow.
In the same login page if we enter the correct username and password, sometimes we get an error message stating “404 error”. This is called the exception flow.
Answer: Kano Analysis refers to the process of analyzing a product or system requirements to determine what the perceived impact will be on customer satisfaction.
The Kano model categorizes product attributes or system requirements into 3 categories to determine the perceived customer satisfaction.
Unexpected Delights: These are attributes of a product or system that the customer doesn’t even know they need or want. The absence of these has no impact on customer perception or satisfaction. However, the existence of these results can delight customers and drive premium pricing.
Performance Attributes: These are attributes of a product or system that follow a fairly direct correlation to customer satisfaction levels, either positive or negative. If these attributes are missing or of poor quality then customers will be dissatisfied. However, the better these attributes are the more the customer’s satisfaction levels rise.
Must Have Attributes: These are attributes of a product or system that if missing would be considered unacceptable and result in dissatisfaction. However, the existence of the attribute or improvement on it wouldn’t increase customer satisfaction in any meaningful way.
Answer: The entire process of measuring the quality of policies, programs, products, rules and many other measures of a company against the standard measures set for those attributes or against the other similar companies is termed as benchmarking in BA.
Answer: UML is a Unified Modelling Language. UML is normal that the business practices for envisaging, recording, and building numerous components of a system. It is a modelling standard cast-off mainly for software development, but can also be used for additional theoretical models such as relating job roles, occupational procedures, and administrative functions.
For Business Analysts, UML is able to signify necessities with use cases, class plan, and state drawings. For Business Analysts, the significant part of considering UML is in thoughtful the drawing tools and when and in what way to use them greatest.
UML business analysis is needed for the following reasons:
Answer: Here are the following techniques that can be used for the requirement prioritization.
Answer: Risk: Risk is something which you can forecast and can handle by formulating mitigation plans.
Issue: Risk which happened is known as Issue. Once the problem has occurred, it is solved by contingency management or Issue management. Generally, issues are not resolved, but you can get a lesson from there for other projects.
Example: On some roads, few caution boards are stating that “Road under repair, take diversion”. This is called Risk.
If we travel through the same route which is under construction, then this may cause some damage to the vehicle. This is called an issue
Answer : The following steps will detail out the procedural way of professionally dealing with this:
Answer : This is a tricky question! Be cautious here, as there is a movement away from the idea of building a one-off big BRD, FRD or TRD, in favour of “just in time” evolution of detail (This is the Agile approach). In general terms (as there is not a one-size-fits-all standard):
Answer : INVEST stands for Independent, Negotiable, Valuable, Estimable, Sized Appropriately and Testable. It is a way to check the effectiveness of User Stories by building them to these criteria. Bill Wake is the author to note in association with this.
MoSCoW is a time-dependent way of looking at requirements priorities in terms of:
It is fully described as a part of the DSDM Agile Project Framework but widely used by other agile approaches.
Answer: We can broadly categorize the skills of a business analyst in three types:
For each of the above categories a business analyst should possess some skills as mentioned below:
Skill Category | Skills |
Fundamental skills | •Problem Solving •Communication •Management skills •Research |
Technical skills | •IT skills like MS Office, Operating systems, Programming languages, Knowledge of database, SDLC knowledge, Domain knowledge |
Business Analysis skills | •Requirement Elicitation •Documentation •Decision making •Creativity •Analytical skills |
Answer : Joint Application Development (JAD) consists of a structured workshops session between end user/client, project manager, business analyst, technical team and subject matter experts (SME) to facilitate the design and development of the product.
Applications developed through JAD development approach has higher customer satisfaction and less number of errors as the end user is directly involved in the development process.
Answer : The aim of testing is to verify and validate the quality of a developed functionality according to the project requirements. A BA does various types of testing, which are:
Black box testing: This is a functional testing where a BA validates that the output generated by the system is as per the requirements/use case
Unit Testing: A BA does unit testing on a developer’s machine to make sure the requested functionality is being achieved.
Integration Testing: This type of testing is done when more than one piece of code are integrated to realize a functionality. A BA does integration testing to make sure than the system is performing as expected after different modules are integrated.
Functional Testing: A BA is expected to conduct functional testing to validate that the system is achieving the functionality specified in the use case/functional requirement specification document (FRS).
Acceptance Testing: A BA along with the client, does the acceptance testing to validate that the system is performing as per the business requirements and the product’s acceptance criteria. Regression Testing: Regression testing is done after a modification has been made to the existing system. Its aim is to make sure that all the system functionalities are working as expected.
Beta Testing: A BA along with the testing team, does the beta testing and it is done on a pre-production version of the product. This testing is done to make sure that the functional and non-functional requirements of the system are met.
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