Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers contains the most frequently asked questions that you might face in an Advance Scrum Master or SAFe Scrum Master interview & this will help you competently crack the Scrum Master interview. Scrum is a framework within which people can address complex adaptive problems, while productively and creatively delivering products of the highest possible value. Scrum Master Interview Questions and Answers will help you in accessing your knowledge & skills as a Scrum Master. Please read Agile Interview Questions and Answer for questions related to Agile Fundamentals. Scrum Interview Questions and Answer for questions related to Scrum Fundamentals.
Agile Scope Creep describes how a project’s requirements tend to grow over time, goals, or vision changes beyond what was originally agreed upon. Scope creep is frequently caused by changes in project requirements from key stakeholders (not properly defined requirements and additional features are added to an existing product), as well as internal miscommunication and conflicts.
Remember It is not Agile Scope Creep if you are changing something before the team has started to think about the details or if it doesn’t create additional work for anyone. So use just-in-time planning- have a clear iteration plan with high-level requirements. Work out the details of the iteration just before the iteration is started.
So, in order to prevent Agile Scope Creep, you first need a clearly defined project scope. In order to identify and establish your project scope, follow these five steps:
Here are a few examples:
In an agile framework, scope creep is really a problem caused by injecting new or unplanned work into the middle of an iteration, rather than adding scope to the overall project. All agile frameworks solve this through formal processes and ceremonies. In Scrum, for example:
Kanban and Lean have similar mechanisms for managing change. The point is that there’s no free lunch. Adding scope adds cost or time to the project. You can’t fix cost, schedule, and scope at the same time, so the increased scope will generally increase a project’s costs and schedule as well, while often reducing overall quality as the organization attempts to increase scope without increasing costs or extending the schedule. As a Scrum Master, you need to be able to articulate the trade-offs for the project.
The most important thing when transitioning to Scrum is to first listen and observe everything and everybody. Try to conduct as many interviews as you can with literally everybody in your organization – QA, UX, UI designers, product managers, developers, etc.
This will allow you to identify existing underlying problems in your organization.
Here are a few ways how you can handle scrum transition from the Waterfall model:
Following the below-mentioned steps will ensure a smooth transition from waterfall to scrum.
Step 1: Conduct an agile audit to define an implementation strategy with success metrics. Find Current processes, Future processes, Step-by-step plans, Benefits, Potential challenges & Success factors.
Step 2: Build awareness and Strengthen product shared vision. Educate people, Use a variety of communication tools, Highlight the benefits, Share the implementation plan, Involve the initial scrum team & Be open/flexible.
Step 3: Form a transformation team and identify a pilot
Step 4: Planning for the Transformation (detailed transition plan with clear milestones).
Step 5: Training in Agile and Scrum
Step 6: Scrum or Agile Coaching
Step 7: Iterate the Plan
Step 8: Gather feedback and improve
Step 9: Mature and solidify improvements. Use models like the Shu-Ha-Ri stages.
Step 10: Progressively expand within the organization. To do this start with the following: Support new teams, Redefine metrics, Expand methodically, Identify new challenges, and Continue learning.
The anti-patterns include the following:
There is no standard definition for” Agile Success”. Every organization must develop its own criteria to evaluate whether the adoption of agile was a success or not. Here are a few things to consider:
Key questions to find out if the agile practices are working perfectly for your organization
Assess Agile Team Maturity – Levels of Maturity
This can be quite a severe problem for the team environment. Such members can turn out to be quite toxic at their core and convey only negative vibes, ruining the team’s spirit and productivity.
Here’s how you can address the situation:
The Product Owner:
Selfish PO – Use sprint review as an opportunity to present “his or her” accomplishments to the stakeholders.,
Solution: Coach the PO on Scrum values of commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect.
Acceptance for user stories – The Product Owner uses the Sprint Review to “accept” tasks/Product Backlog items.
Solution: Ideally the Product Owner should constantly communicate with the Developers & adjust when the increment deviates from acceptance criteria.
Unapproachable PO – The Product Owner is not accepting feedback from stakeholders or the Developers.
Solution – Coach the PO on Scrum values of commitment, courage, focus, openness, and respect & explain why such behavior violates the prime purpose of the Sprint Review event.
The Scrum Team:
No Sprint Review: There is no Sprint Review,
Solution: Sprint Review is necessary to create transparency, so coach the scrum team on the importance of these events in the scrum.
Too much documentation or presentation – Participants are not engaged due to heavy documentation.
Solution: The foundation of a successful Sprint Review is “show, don’t tell,” or even better: let the stakeholders drive the discovery.
Following a plan: The Scrum Team does not use the Sprint Review to discuss the current state of the product or project with the stakeholders.
Solution: Coach that creating transparency and receiving feedback is the purpose of the exercise.
Sprint accounting: Every task accomplished is demoed, and stakeholders do not take it enthusiastically.
Solution: Tell a compelling or important story of interest at the beginning of the review to engage the stakeholders. Do not bore stakeholders by including everything that was accomplished.
The Stakeholders:
Stage-Gate approval – The Sprint Review is a kind of stage-gate approval process where stakeholders sign off features.
Solution: Probably hybrid Agile-Waterfall model is followed. Coach the stakeholders on the benefits of Agile principles and Manifesto.
No stakeholders: Stakeholders do not attend the Sprint Review.
Solution: Find the reason behind stakeholder disengagement like they do not see any value in the event, or it is conflicting with another important meeting, or do not understand the importance of the Sprint Review. Then you need to convince them of the importance of the event and their participation.
No customers/users: External stakeholders—also known as customers—do not attend the Sprint Review.
Solution: Invite actual users to these sprint review and engage them by allowing to use the product.
Starting over again: There is no continuity in the attendance of stakeholders.
Solution: Coach stakeholders so that they understand the importance of Sprint Review & attendance. The impact of missing sprint reviews on their ability to provide in-depth feedback.
Passive stakeholders: The stakeholders are passive and unengaged.
Solution: Let the stakeholders drive the Sprint Review or make it interesting by allowing stakeholders to play with the product.
The estimation is done using comparative Agile estimation methods in a Scrum project:
There are few anti-patterns that occur in almost all organizations
There are few anti-patterns that occur in sprint planning
There are few anti-patterns that occur in the sprint retrospective
Few tips to avoid these anti-patterns
One of the most common approaches for evaluating teamwork is to estimate in man-hours. While man-hours are simple to comprehend, they have a number of significant drawbacks:
Few activities, such as legacy work, are difficult to estimate precisely.
The benefits of estimating user stories in points include the following: There is no association between the estimator’s skills and experience, and story points are independent of the story’s author. The team members can estimate more correctly since story points are a measurement of relative sizes, and the size of the story cannot be changed by external forces. As team behavior takes precedence over individual conduct, Story Points encourages collaboration. The team comes together when they use planning poker to estimate story points. As teams exchange, constructively criticize, argue, and have fun playing poker cards to arrive at an agreement on estimations, it serves as a team-building activity.
To manage risk, there are five essential measures to follow. They are as follows:
Identification of Risk: The first step is to determine the risks that the company faces in its current operational environment. There are numerous forms of risks, including legal risks, environmental risks, market risks, regulatory risks, and so on. It’s critical to recognize as many of these risk variables as possible.
Analysis of the Risk: It is necessary to examine a risk once it has been recognized. The risk’s scope must be assessed. It’s also crucial to comprehend the relationship between risk and other internal components. It is crucial to establish the severity and importance of the risk by looking at how many business operations it affects.
Ranking the Risk: Risks must be prioritized and ranked. Based on the intensity of the risk, most risk management solutions have several risk categories. Risks that can result in serious loss are ranked the highest, while risks that may cause some inconvenience are rated the lowest.
Treating the Risk: Every risk must be minimized or eliminated to the greatest extent practicable. This is accomplished by contacting specialists in the field to which the risk pertains. In a manual situation, this means calling each and every stakeholder and then scheduling meetings for everyone to talk about and debate the concerns.
Reviewing the Risk: The risk is then reviewed to ensure that the risk has been eliminated completely.
First, you need to use metrics that concern the team as a whole and avoid individual metrics.
Second, consider context as well. For example, members being on holiday or on sick leaves can result in changes in your metrics.
Examples of suitable agile metrics are:
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a Lean Startup concept that emphasizes the importance of learning while developing a product. This enables one to test and understand the concept by exposing target consumers and users to the initial version. To accomplish this, one must first gather all pertinent data and then learn from it. The MVP concept is to create a product, provide consumers access to it, and observe how the product is used, perceived, and understood. This will also give you a better idea of what the needs of your clients or users are. Successful products are released into the market in stages over time, with each “significant” deployment referred to as a release.
MMR (Minimum Marketable Release) is a product release with the minimal possible feature set that solves your customers’ current new needs. MMRs are used to shorten time-to-market between releases by condensing each release’s coherent feature set to the lowest increment that provides new value to customers.
Making the scrum team a participant in the discovery process early in the product development lifecycle is quite beneficial. Agile refers to teams engaging with stakeholders early in the development process so that both parties are on the same page. Consider some of the benefits of early involvement:
Many factors make a Scrum Team’s velocity volatile:
One of the biggest challenges you might stumble upon as a beginner scrum master is burn-out. The tons of meetings you have to attend, emails you need to send, and reports you should create can seem like energy vampires at first.
Keeping the development team and other stakeholders on the same page can also be a difficult task. For this purpose, you need to create thoroughly detailed reports to convey the project’s progress to the stakeholders. Keep task details clear and transparent in the backlog so that the scrum team can explicitly see the next step ahead of them.
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