DataBase Request Module has the SQL statements extracted from the host language program by the SQL precompile. The COBOL-DB2 program is preprocessed by DB2 to produce a DBRM that will be used to bind against a particular DB2 subsystem. The Db2 system uses the DBRM to optimize application program interaction.
A package contains control structures that DB2 uses when it runs SQL statements. It contains executable forms of SQL statements. Packages are stored in the database system catalog tables.
A group of bound PACKAGES. It’s there mainly to simplify the management of sets of packages.
The plan contains the bound, operational, form of the SQL statements from the DBRMs that were built from the application programs. It is created during the BIND process. It has the executable code for the SQL statements in the DBRM. The plan is marked as invalid if the index used by it is dropped. The next time the plan is invoked, it is recreated. An application plan allows application programs to access DB2 data at execution time. It also relates the whole application process to the local instance of DB2 where it will be used.
Object Type: DBRM
Contents: SQL for a source program
Input: Source Program
Command: DB2 Precompile Program (dependent on source language)
Output: DBRM
Authority needed (if not SYSADM): None
Object Type: PACKAGE
Contents: Bound SQL for a source program
A PACKAGE is initially created with the BIND PACKAGE. The actual name of the package is a 4 part name:
location name.collection id.DBRM member name. version where version is determined by precompiler options but is typically a timestamp.Input: DBRMCommand:BIND PACKAGE (location name.collection id)
OWNER (authid of package owner)
QUALIFIER (for unqualified SQL)
MEMBER (DBRM member name)
+ additional parameters
Package residing in the specified collection
Note: Location name does not need to be specified if BIND command executed on same DB2 subsystem as where BIND is taking place
Complicated, but simplistically, the OWNER must have all:
· SQL authority for all statements in the package
· BINDADD (for new package) or BIND (for the existing package)
· CREATE IN or PACKADM for specified collection
Also, if the Binder is not equal to OWNER, then Binder must be in an ACF2 Source Group containing OWNER
To execute a PACKAGE for a program:
EXECUTE on the PLAN containing the PACKAGE for the program. If executing through DRDA when no PLAN exists on the local DB2 system, then EXECUTE on the PACKAGE or on collection id.* containing the PACKAGE
Contents: A group of bound PACKAGES
A collection is NOT explicitly created (There is no CREATE COLLECTION SQL statement). It is implicitly created the first time a BIND PACKAGE into a collection with that name is executed.
A package is added or replaced in a COLLECTION via the BIND PACKAGE command.
To bind a package in a collection: CREATE IN for the specific collection (+ whatever authorities are needed for the package itself)
Object Type: PLAN
A group of bound DBRMS and/or PACKAGES
A PLAN is initially created via the BIND PLAN statement
DBRMs specified in the BIND PLAN command must already exist
PACKAGES specified in the BIND PLAN command do not need to exist
Input: DBRMs and/or a list of PACKAGES. This list of packages can be wildcarded as described below
Similar to BIND PACKAGE with the important addition of PKLIST
BIND PLAN (plan name)
OWNER (authid of plan owner)
QUALIFER (for unqualified SQL)
MEMBER (DBRM member name, …)
PKLIST (location name.collection id.package id, …) additional parameters
The BIND PLAN command (for a new PLAN) does two things:
Complicated, but simplistically, the OWNER must have all:
· SQL authority for all statements in DBRMs specified (this authority is NOT necessary for packages included in the PKLIST since they are already bound)
· BINDADD (for a new plan) or BIND (for the existing plan)
· For explicitly specified packages: EXECUTE authority (or PACKADM) on each explicitly specified package or on collection id.* containing an explicitly specified package
· For collection id.: EXECUTE authority (or PACKADM) on collection id.
Also, if the Binder is not equal to OWNER, then Binder must be in an ACF2 Source Group containing OWNER
To execute a PLAN for a program EXECUTE on the PLAN containing the bound DBRM or PACKAGE for the program.
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