PMP Certification Practice Exam – Project Management Professional (PMP Certification) is challenging & according to the Project Management Institute (PMI®), project professionals spend on average more than 35 hours preparing for the PMP Certification. PMP Certification questions test your understanding and memory of the domains and other topics in the PMBOK. Therefore these exam questions are intended to trick you and force you to think through the topics and scenarios presented in order to come up with the correct solutions.
PMP Subject Areas
As of January 2021, PMI changed the PMP exam structure with shifts in duration, breaks, and the number of questions. This new structure will not significantly impact study approaches but will help you know how to approach the exam on test day.
- NUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 180 questions (The same number of questions will be scored)
- DURATION OF EXAM: 230 minutes
- FREQUENCY OF BREAKS: Two (both ten minutes)
- QUESTION TYPES: Multiple-Choice, Matching, Hotspot, and Fill in the blank
Domain | Percentage of Items on Test |
I. People | 42% |
II. Process | 50% |
III. Business Environment | 8% |
Total | 100% |
- Process: This implies enhancing the technological resources vital for project management. The Process domain has 17 tasks, including executing projects with urgency, managing communications to determine appropriate project methods, and managing project closure.
- People: This entails upgrading interpersonal skills and activities for effective project team leading. The People domain has 14 tasks including managing conflicts, leading the team, empowering team members to engage virtual teams, and mentoring relevant stakeholders.
- Business Environment: This includes improving the connection between the organization’s scope and its projects. The Business Environment domain has 4 tasks, including evaluating project benefits and addressing external business environment changes to support organizational change.
Content spans the value delivery spectrum, including predictive, agile, and hybrid approaches. Different types of questions you may face in the PMP certification exam are
- FORMULA based questions
- SITUATIONAL based questions
- DEFINITION based questions
- KNOWLEDGE based questions
- INTERPRETATIONAL based questions
- SPECIFIC TECHNIQUE-based questions
- PMBOK GUIDE KNOWLEDGE-based questions
- ITTO (Inputs, Tools, Techniques & Outputs) based questions
- Professional and Social Responsibility-based questions.
- Combination questions
PMP Certification Practice Exam
The purpose of this quiz is to allow you to test your knowledge before appearing for actual certification. This PMP Certification is in Practice mode and is from the question bank with 50+ questions. As a result, each time you will get a random set of 20 questions out of 50+ and the results will be displayed immediately as you answer questions.
REOPEN or REFRESH this page to retrieve the next set of 20 QUESTIONS.
Number of Questions: 20 |
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