CHANGE in OUTREC statement can be used to look up and change the content in the file while sorting. Build…
INCLUDE OMIT Substring Comparison You can use the INCLUDE OMIT Substring Comparison statement in conjunction with other options to select/omit…
You can convert an FB data set to a VB data set with OUTFIL's FTOV parameter. Each VB output record…
The VTOF utility is a tool designed to perform the conversion from VB to FB format. It is commonly used…
VLSCMP and VLSHRT are the utilities used with VB files. In VB records always add 4 to the starting position.…
DYNALLOC PARM: This option requests the dynamic allocation of SORTWK data sets. DYNALLOC=OFF can be specified to override a DYNALLOC=ON…
SEQNUM creates & inserts sequence numbers in the output record. The sequence numbers are assigned in the order in which…
ICETOOL is a batch front-end utility that uses the capabilities of DFSORT toperform the operations you request. Input and output…
Fill Method Paired and unpaired records - This example illustrates an alternative way to create three output files; paired F1/F2…
Indicator method: Paired and unpaired records - This example illustrates how you can create three output files; paired F1/F2 records,…
Unpaired records F2: This example illustrates how you can select only unpaired records from one of two files. In this…
Paired records F1 - Below example illustrates how you can select only paired records from one of two files. In…
Paired records with duplicates: This example illustrates how you can join paired records from two files, both of which have…
Paired records without duplicates - ASA (formerly ANSI)control characters appear in Position 5 for variable-length records (just after the Record…
JOINKEYS feature joins transactions/records from two different files based on certain keys (i.e. fields with common information). The SORTJNF1 and…
In SORT JCL, the STOPAFT SKIPREC are two conditions that control the processing of input records. You can use the…
You can use the INCLUDE OMIT statement in conjunction with other options to select/omit the number of records to be…