How to protect few selected cells in an excel document?
Reverse your direction when searching in a work sheet in Excel
Did you know that you can reverse your direction when searching in a work sheet in Excel? When you are using the Find or Replace feature in Excel, it is easy to accidently click the Find Next button one too many times. Fortunately, you don’t have to cycle through all of the matches in the worksheet to get back to the ones you missed the first time. Instead, just hold down the (Shift) key when you click the Find Next button. Excel searches in the opposite direction through the worksheet as it hunts for matches to your search string.
Number as text in an excel worksheet
Here is a tip on how to enter a number as text in an excel worksheet. Simply precede your data with an apostrophe character (‘). Doing so forces Excel to treat the entry as text data. For example, enter ‘8-2099. When you complete the entry, Excel doesn’t display the apostrophe in the cell, although you can still see it in the Formula bar.
How to change the color of the new 2007 Excel Application
Tired of the blue? In the new Excel 2007 it gives you a lot of new visual options when it comes to building a spreadsheet. You can apply themes to your data and use new shape effects and conditional formatting looks. But what about your Excel application itself? Believe it or not, you don’t need to stick with Microsoft’s traditional blue color scheme. To change your Excel application’s color scheme: 1. Launch Excel and click the Office button. 2. Click the Excel Options button to open the Excel Options dialog box. 3. If necessary, choose Popular in the left pane. 4. Choose either Blue, Black, or Silver from the Color Scheme drop-down list. 5. Click OK to apply the new color scheme.
How to add an image to a comment box in Excel. Open an excel document.
On the box that you want to add a picture comment RIGHT click on the edge of the box not inside the text box of the comment. Then select the Colors and Lines tab in the Format Comment dialog box. Click the Color drop-down list and select Fill Effects. In the Fill Effects dialog box, click the Picture tab and then click the Select Picture Button at bottom. Browse for a picture to insert and then make sure you check the box “LOCK PICTURE ASPECT RATIO”. Select OK. You should now see the picture of the item when you scroll your mouse over it. If you need to resize the picture then right click on the cell to launch the shortcut menu and click the Edit Comment menu item. You can then resize the display of the image.
Ever have problems with Pivot Table in Excel that keeps pulling in information
(data) that had been deleted or changed. These are often called ‘ghost items’ and can
really drive a person crazy! This can be fixed with a setting within the Pivot Table.
Click in the Pivot Table to open the Pivot Table option menu.
Insert a new worksheet
Quickly move to a worksheet
Move between worksheets in a workbook
Insert a new worksheet
Quickly move to a worksheet
Move between worksheets in a workbook
To download data into Excel from other programs, first check for blank cells, and fill them in as needed. Some cells may be blank on purpose and should remain that way. But other blank cells can be troublesome, especially if sorting and filtering the data. For instance, a column in a report may only list the key category once for a group of records whereas in Excel, the category may need to be repeated on each row.
To download data or reports to sort, save time by filling the blanks right away. Typing or copying the entries can be very time-consuming, especially with large downloads. See the steps below for a quicker way.
Select blank cells
Copy values from above
This keyboard shortcut can be used as a quick way of filling numerous cells or copying a formula into a range when it is entered, rather than copying it separately afterward. At this point, the range contains literal values (the original values) and formulas that repeat those literal values. To preserve the displayed data, replace the formulas with their results (the repeated literal values).
Paste values in Excel
Before the process, be careful if the range already contains formulas to not overwrite them, only overwrite the formulas added to fill the blank cells.
This technique may not work with every sheet that contains blank cells, but it is a fast and easy way to repeat existing data and to quickly change downloaded data to easily complete work in Excel.
VLOOKUP – What it is and when to use it
What to do if the lookup_value is not in the left column
VLOOKUP Arguments
Excel can help users recall the arguments
Avoid VLOOKUP Errors
Display formulas
Fast moves between worksheets in a workbook
Try these keyboard shortcuts to toggle or cycle between worksheets:
For another way to easily navigate to a worksheet in an Excel workbook, try the following:
Fast data entry
Save time with these quick and easy ways to enter data into an Excel worksheet:
Wrapping text
Go to shortcut
Editing cells
Excel has lots of choices for editing text, values, or a formula in a worksheet cell including:
Link an entire Excel spreadsheet to PowerPoint:
Link a section of data in Excel to PowerPoint:
How to repeat titles on multi-pages spreadsheets in excel:
We’ve all had to flip back to the first page of a multi-page printout when we forget the all-too-important column headers. If only you could “freeze” your columns and rows on a printout, just like you can onscreen. If you use Excel 2007 or 2010, you can do just that and the column headers, repeat on each page of the printout. To designate repeating rows and/or columns: 1. Click on the Page Layout tab. 2. In the Page Setup group, click the Print Titles button to open the Page Setup dialog box’s Sheet tab. 3. Enter the row number(s) or column letter(s) as a range in the Rows to Repeat at Top or Columns To Repeat At Left text boxes. For example, because we want to display the top three rows, we would enter 1:3 in the Rows To Repeat At Top text box. 4. Click OK to accept these repeating rows and/or columns. If you look at the spreadsheets in print preview, you will now see you’re repeating rows and/or columns display on every page as you cycle through them.
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